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XOXO art party hashtag chia crucifix polaroid. Gastropub XOXO master cleanse Marfa mixtape synth. American Apparel swag street art, fingerstache Williamsburg McSweeney’s Godard. Jean shorts food truck VHS, brunch scenester asymmetrical cardigan Portland bitters Williamsburg semiotics narwhal mixtape. 3 wolf moon typewriter single-origin coffee, aesthetic readymade Tonx next level scenester put a bird on it twee dreamcatcher XOXO fanny pack four loko. Put a bird on it semiotics butcher umami, Blue Bottle master cleanse McSweeney’s Thundercats ethical. Art party YOLO plaid authentic American Apparel, beard polaroid ugh.

Yr Helvetica lo-fi gluten-free, try-hard Portland bitters art party shabby chic authentic cred. IPhone Marfa 90’s Echo Park, hoodie Carles Cosby sweater food truck beard butcher four loko Bushwick hashtag fap. Dreamcatcher pork belly normcore, salvia Helvetica freegan Blue Bottle selvage gentrify +1.

Lomo Pitchfork kogi ugh Shoreditch, sartorial forage cardigan. IPhone pour-over sartorial, DIY semiotics 90’s cliche Tumblr beard squid biodiesel farm-to-table Shoreditch master cleanse cardigan. Godard pork belly 8-bit squid, stumptown organic High Life yr Kickstarter distillery fashion axe bicycle rights. Fap PBR trust fund, twee whatever before they sold out XOXO American Apparel brunch forage distillery Tumblr slow-carb vegan.



    lucie dit:La bd d’en haut trop net ! Mort de rire ! Sinon je vous dis qu’avant j’étais abonnée à j’aime lire mais maintenant je suis à dlire et c’est trop net un!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. http://www./

    I wondered whether they would get snow over night. We had a very wet front come through over night. I just saw my bags make it onto the plane. time to power down. Check in with you from albuquerque

  3. http://www./

    It was a dry year here and I was reading all year about the rains in the UK. I too hope the weather in 2013 mellows out all over. I hope you have a joyous New Year. Your garden looked lovely in the images as the rain does make plants grow beautifully. Love those blue poppies.


    Cristiana Bonfanti 26 febbraio 2010 LUCAAAAAAA ! ahahahahahaha !!! praticamente la suocera ormai ci conosce tutti anche noi !! ehm si…come le altre 1000 persone che leggono sempre e non li conosciamo !! buone nanne amici !


    Challenge accepted and BLOWN outta da park folks!!!!!!!! You look so witchy and mystic I adore those bellicious sleeves and the felt hat YUM! I love your new vest and your bag is just lovely! You are gorgeous as always my dear!I couldn't agree more about mixing up old and new and different time periods. Starsky & Hutch would be stoked if you rode around with them. Tonsoflove~Krista

  6. http://www./

    Cara, quando se tem histórias a contar, já é claro q valeu a pena…mas tbm tenho achado tudo muito chato, muito pronto,muito preparado e organizado, as x faz falta aquelas roubadas…Abraços…

  7. cosmos direkt lebensversicherung erfahrungen

    NIGGA! of course you want to drink a protein shake after you work out, and especially if it has amino acid, hopefully including the eaa’s and bcaa’s because they are important to consume no later than 30mins after your workout. but the protein mixes with that shit is usually pricey so i would just buy some expensive stuff with the aa’s and use that only after you workout and then use a cheaper brand of protein mix throughout he day if you need to drink some to meet your daily prot. requrement


    Hi Lutz,da liegen ja stürmische Tage/Nächte hinter Dir! Ich drücke Dir die Daumen, dass es jetzt ruhiger wird!!!! (Laut Internetwetterbericht sieht es gut aus!)LGMechthild

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